2017 Home Goals

Hello Sunshine! Today I wanted to pop in and share with you 6 goals I have for my home this year. Keeping with my theme for the new year of financial peace, I didn't want to overextend my finances so I came up with some budget friendly upgrades and makeovers that my home would definitely benefit from. Let's hop to it, shall we.

My 2017 Home Goals


One of my home goals from last year was to hang a shelf over the washer/dryer. That was the only project I did not complete in the laundry room aside from hanging new art. We added new hardware and installed new floors!


I started our boys shared closet as a back to school organizing project that I didn't quite finish. My plan is to add built-in shelving for toys and shoes.


We still have a couple of rooms in the house that I have done nothing with in the almost nine years of living here and the kitchen is one of these rooms. The kitchen will be a huge project that will take some planning and saving. I want to hit the ground running this year with getting a plan in place so we will know approximately how much it will cost us.


This spring when the weather warms up and the rain stops for awhile, I want to spend a weekend staining our privacy fence.


I love our fire pit area! We spend a lot of time out back in the fall but I want to make it a more cozy space, an extension of our home. I have this vision of five Adirondack chairs circling our fire pit adorned with pillows and throws.


I definitely need to finish this refresh, for what started out as a simple makeover has turned into this long drawn out ordeal. I've found the most perfect linen drapes and I want to dress up my windows with woven blinds to add warmth. We need a new sofa and the ones I love so much are definitely out of my budget so I will ponder my choices and hopefully find a solution.

I'm so excited for the possibilities and new opportunities awaiting for me in this brand new year. I plan to take you on my journey to being debt free, loving on my home and self, along with sharing tips and tricks.

What are your home goals? See ya soon!

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  1. Hi Darnetha! It seems like you have a great and (attainable) goals for the New Year! I look forward to seeing the process!

  2. Great list and the time frame is reasonable. Gives me some great idea. Hope you get everything done on your list.

  3. Great goals for this year Darnetha! I can't wait to see them all come together.

  4. Love your Home Goals, they all sound very doable - the chairs around your fire pit will be a fantastic addition!


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