Summer Bucket List

Hello Sunshine! I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend. It has been a whopping 4 weeks since I've last signed in. May is such busy month for my family and I didn't have much time to decorate or do any projects. I've been gardening however and I have a lot to share on that subject, soon. If you've ever wondered what I am up to on a regular basis then check me out over on instagram. It's so easy to just post a quick pic and a few words to keep everyone up-to-date over there, feel free to follow.

Yesterday was the unofficial kick off to summer and it was fun sitting down with the family listing a bunch of activities we would love to do this summer. Just in time I might add cause schools out this Friday and I don't want my crew to think that it will be acceptable to sit in front of the T.V. or computer all summer long. We will get out of these four walls and set out on some adventures. I want to spend this summer exploring the city we live in and seeing what it has to offer.
Summer Bucket List 2014 | ChippaSunshine
On any given day we might be having one epic Nerf gun fight, camping out in the backyard or our new found love riding bikes. Whatever the case we will be together creating memories and enjoying one another! I hope you tune in on some of our adventures and I just might throw in a DIY project or two or ten, to mix things up a bit.

What are you planning on doing this summer? Going on a beautiful vacation to some far off island or having a wickedly awesome staycation? Have lots of fun and be safe! See ya soon!

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  1. So many fun activities to do with your children. We actually started working on one too. I'm excited to see you again at Haven!!!

  2. Yay love the bucket list!!! You've inspired me to create one! Summer always goes by so fast, so putting a list together really helps cross those goals off -- this Summer I see lots of outdoor movie nights, BBQ, visits to the park, backyard water play and a few trips!!

  3. Oh how fun, I think we all need a fun bucket list. Yours sounds fabulous.

  4. I have one short vacation/babymoon in July, but so far, nothing big since my boys will both be busy with different camps. We do outdoor movies a lot by the pool since we like night swimming more in the summer. I know yours will be fun-filled for sure just looking at your list Darnetha!

  5. I love that idea. It's so cool to have a summer bucket list. I'll bet your kids are excited about what to do first.

    1. Thanks Dee! It will be so easy to pick from the list when they proclaim they are bored and can't think of anything to do.

  6. I love the idea of a summer bucket list. I really want to enjoy the summer and be more intentional about my days. Love this idea and yours looks fun!!!

    1. oh and I will be at Haven as well. Can't wait to meet you:)


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